25 March 2013

Things to do...

At Last I have managed to get us all on the same Web Site for RNLI Virgin Money Giving
Sailing Round Ireland 2013.
Hopefully we can all raise some more money this way.
Some of the crew, husband etc. had the Idea of us taking an RNLI Bear round Ireland
with us, and get all the Lifeboat Crews to sign The Paddy Bear Log Book.
This is then going to be used as a prize for a competition.
The competition is a Collective Noun for a group of 7 Lady RYA Certificated Skippers.
I am sure there will be a lot of good entries, and some a bit rude probably.  I have already heard
This will be launched on the RNLI Website in the near future.
Having Paddy Bear to play with on our trip Round Ireland will make it a lot of fun.
Finding the local Lifeboat Crews.
We are hoping that our trip will help fund raising in the local Lifeboat Areas around Ireland.
The money we are raising from donations on our sponsorship forms will go to the Appledore
Fund Raising Committe Funds, Two of the girls Ness and Liz row for the Ilfracombe Gig Club and
they will put their funds towards the Ilfracombe Lifeboat.
The money paid into the Virgin Money Giving Site will go directly to the RNLI.
'Sea Sense' is nearly ready. we still have to do the anti fouling, and collect everything up from
around the house and take back on board.
We have had more charts donated to us. We shouldn't get lost.
We have booked some of the flights back and out. It is going to be tricky getting the crew to a
convenient location on the West Coast of Ireland to get buses or trains to Airports.
Still it is all a challenge.
It is only 5 weeks to go.
Oh My - Lots still to do.
L Pat

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