4 June 2013


31st May

Today was cleaning boat for next crew, washing and showers (hoorah)

The lifeboat station was very busy today with visitors, so we were able to visit the Station, and get the crew members.

Paddy Bear Log is being kept by Carol, with drawings, postcards, and it is quite amusing.

We also did homework for trip tomorrow. We must keep moving with a favourable forecast.

It did forecast 4/5 tomorrow. We are planning to just go across the Shannon to a anchorage called Kibuhaha, it is a 21 mile trip, and will put us closer to Loop Head and for going to the Aran Islands. We were suppose to do this trip a week ago, when we got stuck at Dingle.

I also did a plan for the next 2 weeks (All hopefully) We hope to get up beyond Killybegs.

Ian and Sandy arrived at 10 in the evening, they have been travelling for hours on a flight to Knock, and then buses – They arrived vcry tired, I was proud of them.

One blip, we all were sleeping on board. We managed OK.

1st June

Vanessa and Liz crept out the next morning at 5.45.

We paid the harbour master, and departed at 11.30am to go to Kibuhaha

It was 5 knots SW to W wind, and as we left Tralee Bay was quite high waves.

We arrived at Kibuhah, and had to anchor up. There was a very small harbour, but very shallow.

We had caught up with John on 'Anna Maria' He invited us over for supper, we used the dinghy. This is the first time it has been lowered, but I think for the next few weeks, it will be mostly anchoring, and dinghy. We have been spoit with the Marinas.

We had a plesant evening. We are leaving at 8.30 in the morning


Today we leave at 8.30 to round another headland. I feel we are making progress, and the wind is favourable. Hoorah. We are hoping to be able to see the Cliffs of Moher, and put in the waypoints to be able see them on our way to Innishmore.

Well best laid plans don't work out!

We were sailing quite nicely the sea was quite big and roly, but not bad.

We were making our waypoints very nicely. The weather started to drizzle, and the visibility was very poor. We were a little way off of the Cliffs of Moher, and decided that we wouldn't be able to see the Cliffs of Moher, and changed course toward Innishmore. The visibility became more and more poor. Until we only had 1 mile visibility, and then half a mile.

We turned on the Radar, put on the charts on the computer (We are only using the computer for coming into harbours etc.) and also the chart plotter.

Ian was down below making sure we were on track. We were still sailing with the motor ticking over, we had been doing over 6 knts.

BANG The Boom suddenly fell off. A repair that we had done in Kilmore Quay on the gooseneck, had completely snapped.

Luckily we had little wind and were able to bring in the sail. Our sail is attached to the boom, as we we have inmast furling, so at least the boom didn't go very far. We managed to tie it off safely.

Can I swear Just as the weather is improving and settling, we now have to get a repair done.

It is the Whitsun Bank Holiday – Great.

We crept into Kilronan Bay, we couldn't see much at all, and followed the leading line on the chart into the Bay. There is lots of visitors buoy, but we would rather go alongside the quay wall.

We called the coastguard explaining that we had a bit of a problem, and would like to be alongside.

Immediately we had a large rib full of Coastguards who were on a training from Doolin Bay.

We had just come alongside the wall, and they came an had a chat, Carol got them to sign Paddy Bear's Log.

It was nearly low tide, but quite deep water, and a long way up the ladder to land.

We had dinner, and Carol and Sandy played cards, Ian and I went for a stroll and then went for a drink at the pub. It is very busy, as its Bank Holiday

8 ferries a day come here from the mainland, and it can get very busy.

3rd June

Today is quite a misty day, but it is much warmer, not wonderful, but better than it had been.We may have a warm day if the mist burns off.

We needed to try and get a part for the boom today. Brian at home is on the case, and we have hopefully found a supplier for the part in Dublin. We spoke to him, even though it is a Bank Holiday in Ireland, we are hoping to get the part couriered to the Harbour Master in Galway.

We have decided to stay on Innishmore alongside, and will probably get the ferry to Galway to pick up the part. Nothing can happen until tomorrow anyway.

Sandy and Carol went for a walk and tried to track down the RNLI Crew. We did manage to see the Engineer, and tomorrow will meet the Coxwain.

We all went to lunch at the local Hotel/Pub. John from 'Anna Marie' came with us, as he has been helping Ian by bringing an micrometre for the measurements of the gooseneck. He also has a good Wifi Dongle, and Ian was able to e mail the man in Dublin with a photo. The wonders of tecnology when it goes right.

The girls had found a film was being shown above a local shop, called ARAN MAN, and we thought it may be interesting. We all went along. If every you visit this Island, and want a giggle go along. It was a black and white film – subtitled – probably circa 1940, with a bit of voice over.

Two of the crew fell asleep. We all had a laugh.

Today is the first day I have had bare arms and worn my sandels. Has Summer arrived.

My sandels proved to be a bad idea, as we went back to the yacht, and I started togo down the ladder, and my foot slipped, I went down at lightning speed, luckily managed to cling on, and only ended up with a bruised arm. A bit scary.

Sandy was cook today, and John stayed on board and had dinner with us. Yummy stirfried beef and noodles. Dessert was chocolate.

We listened to the weather forecast. The weather in Ireland is light winds and good weather. The first time we haven't had high winds, high seas, gales, small craft warnings etc.

And we are stuck, and not able to move on.What a Bummer!

On the bright side it is a lovely place to we will be going exploring tomorrow.

Girls at Bere Island
Lifeboat at Fenit

Newest Crew Sandy on the helm

Having fun on Anna Marie

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