19 June 2013


18th June

Today we didn't have to leave until 11am, so we had time to go to see the Lifeboat Station, and meet the coxswain, and get the crew members into Paddy's Log Book

Port Rush was really nice, with a pontoon inside the harbour, very peaceful.

We set off, and the sea was smooth and silky. It was warm at first, but turned quite cold and drizzly. We had done the way-points to take us through the Raithlin Sound at the correct time.

We picked up the push of the tide as we passed the Giants Causeway, and although we had hardly any wind, we were swept along at over 10.8 knots. We had the engine on tick over as it was really swirly and difficult to keep on course.

We thought the chart plotter had gone wrong, we couldn't believe the speed. It is also very deep over 100 metres.

We arrived at Glenarm Marina at 5.15, which was over an hour earlier that we had expected.

This is a very nice Marina, in a beautiful bay. Nice showers and a laundry. - hoorah.

Just had dinner, and decided to look at next port of call. Bangor Belfast. Realised that we had to leave at 6.30am tomorrow, if we are going.

Weather report a bit sketchy for this area, and as we need to be near Belfast for the weekend, decided to go tomorrow, and not wait around.

Glenarm didn't have much going for it, as a town, 2 small pubs and a shop. That was it.

19th June

We set off at 6.30 to go to Bangor. In no time we had 10knts of wind in the rightish direction SW. We put up all the sails, and started to make really good time under sail. What a relief.

Spoke too soon, the wind soon dropped to less that 2 knts. We carried on for a while. We did have a bit of time in our favour, but needed to be at Bangor at low water.

The P & O Ferry was passing in front of us just by some Cardinal buoys, so close, we could wave to the people on the deck. This was at Larne Lough

We managed to sail on for a while, but had to give up eventually, and motor sail Again!

We did at least 3 hours.

We avoided another Ferry – this time Stena Lines, as we approached Belfast Lough.

We arrived at Belfast Marina at 1.30. There is a Lifeboat Station here, so Paddy's Log will be added to.

Celebration time with a bottle of Bubbly, followed by a sleep.

We are here for a few days, as I am off to a Wedding at home, and Penny's husband John is travelling out and taking Carol and Jo sightseeing for the weekend.

Will be blogging again next week.

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